Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Location: My room
Listening to: fun.
Watching: Crash
Reading: Eldest by C. Paolini
Study Progress: Week 2 of 12

I had a lot of fun. Yesterday. I spent the day in Philly. Got to eat a cheesesteak and got to see Jack's Mannequin perform along with the band fun. Turns out fun. puts on an awesome show. I'm sort of regretting the cheesesteak decision, but hey you only live once. My stomach was killing me all night. I got back really late and was in bed by 2:15 am, but I couldn't sleep because my stomach was killing me so I called out sick today. All in all, it was fun just to take a day to myself. I should do that more often. It was nice to have a day of fun. Then today sucked again. I don't get how people can be so inconsiderate. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you always give 100% people are disappointed if you give 99%. If you only give 20% and just once give 50% people throw you a wedding size party.

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