Location: My room
Listening to: Motion City Soundtrack (iPod Shuffle)
Watching: Rutgers v. FIU, 3-0 RU
Reading: Eragon by C. Paolini
Study Progress: Part 2 of 6 in week 2 of 11
Listening to: Motion City Soundtrack (iPod Shuffle)
Watching: Rutgers v. FIU, 3-0 RU
Reading: Eragon by C. Paolini
Study Progress: Part 2 of 6 in week 2 of 11

My friend got me into watching boxing. He gets Cluck U and invites me over ... I can't turn down Cluck U. So I have a new found respect for boxers. Some of them are dirt bags, but they are athletes. That having been said ... are you kidding me Mayweather. It drives me crazy when boxers can't make weight. I understand how difficult it is to make weight. Don't misunderstand me, being an elementary school coach it kills me when runners are underweight or overweight and when young kids have to alter normal eating habits to make weight for wrestling. It's ok for boys to do that for wrestling, but then we're supposed to teach the girls that it's bad. Anyway, if I was a boxer and if I knew that there was a $300,000 fine for each pound I was overweight, I'd make weight. Mayweather was 2 pounds over. $600,000!!!!! My brother said yeah, but he'll make millions for this fight. He's absolutely right, but $600,000!!!! My dad did well for himself in life by being an attorney, and we don't live in a house worth anything close to $600,000.
Now I'm getting a little political, so sorry if you don't want to read on. It drives me crazy that rich people are complaining about a tax increase for the rich. I know there are plenty of wealthy people that don't fall into this category, so this next statement is for the jerks that are idiots. How am I supposed to have sympathy for you when I see everyday people doing short sales on their homes if they're lucky to avoid foreclosure and my boss doing 2-3 searches a day on foreclosures. Then remembering people complaining about a tax increase to the rich and also fighting universal health care. You people have money so you'll always have health insurance and another point is you'll also have the best health care. Please don't argue how quality of health care will decrease. You're 100% wrong. I've had health problems and needed to see doctors in NYC and they didn't take health insurance at all. They were the best doctors in the world for what I needed so I paid every penny and went into debt. My point is don't do stuff like AIG spas or bonuses or just take a $600,000 fine because you can't make weight and then turn around and complain about money.
That having been said, I wish I could say Mayweather pissed me off and I want to see him get his face beat in, but he's going to win. He's good and there's a reason he has $600,000 to throw away. Ok so now I should go do some more math before Cluck U. It never gets old.
P.S. This might make sense I'm not really sure it was just a rant and I didn't feel like reading it and making corrections so it was in English.
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