Location: My room (recovering from an experience at the library)
Listening to: Autopilot Off (Make a Sound)
Watching: Pitt/Tenn 0-0 (Pitt just blocked a fg. That'll make Auntie K happy.)
Reading: Eragon by C. Paolini
Study Progress: Part 1 of 3 in week 1 of 11

I didn't get much studying done today because I have awesomely funny friends. So my theory is I'll meet the girl of my dreams in either the library or Barnes and Noble. I also need to study so it's probably just wishful thinking. So 4 girls walked into my public library today. All of them obviously used the same bleach blonde hair dye and they were commenting on how great the others hairs looked. Then I noticed a girl with a boob belt. Apparently I don't understand fashion.
This was the facebook status I posted and the abbreviated conversation that ensued.
Can someone explain to me why girls where belts under their boobs? Is it a tribute to steve urkel? Does it have some sort of function? Did they win some sort of WWE or boxing title? I don't get it.
its called fashion timothy lol - mg
I'm pretty sure that's the wrong answer. Try again. - tc
ok fine ..to make their boobs look bigger? - mg
there is never an answer to why girls dress, behave, and act the way they do - ba
hahahahaha brian that is definitely the right answer. - tc
fashion is pretty much mass amounts of people looking dumb at the same time. the dumb look changes from time to time so these dumb people can buy more stuff and help our economy... I should write a book called The Capitalism of looking Dumb - js
I don't know how the Nobel process works, but I'd vote for you Jake. - js
lmao i regret even involving myself in this conversation - mg (mg's a boob belt enthusiast. In my opinion she'd be a good person to interview for js's book. I don't get how beautiful girls like her don't realize how these boob belts make them look ridiculous.)
Megan I need you to stop this hideous fashion trend. Be a rebel say no to boob belts. -tc
Thanks Tim... what really makes you look dumb is looking dumb in a different way then everyone else. Once everyone else adopts your dumb look, you no longer look dumb.. how weird is that? Then of course you have hipsters which are a different animal all together - js
Your 2nd book in the series ... The Capitalism of Looking Cooler than No One. - tc
To keep this intellectual Urban Dictionary defines Boob Belt as "A belt that a woman wears above her waist and below her breast, which makes her breast more noticeable." This is how they use it in a sentence "-Damn Jenny's boobs look great
-Duh, she's wearing a boob belt" - tc
-Duh, she's wearing a boob belt" - tc
I am dying because this proves another little known stereotype that Pedone's West Philly class introduced to me. "All white girls is named Jennifer." -tc
hahahaha... good title... Hipster are even weirder... They are trying to look horribly dumb for the sake of coolest out of irony... but there are millions of hipsters who look the same way so in fact, they are failing at this. technically they are looking cool, although they dont want to..,. ok I am done, my brain is starting to hurt... - js
a boob belt?! I've never seen or heard of such a thing. insanity - dg
we need to get you out of the lab dr. gella and into the public library. i'm updating my blog with a photo. - tc (I don't lie)
oh thank god. i want to be able to rock the latest trends in lab and if that means I need a boob belt, well so be it - dg
I appreciate any fashion statement that says, "Hey! These are my boobs! Look at them!" Provided said boobs are ones I would want to look at. -bh
*This post is the first part in a series in which running dorks educate doctors.
This made me laugh :0) Thanks for being a *follower* of my blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out TC!