Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Thoughts

Location: Woodbridge Public Library
Listening to: Taking Back Sunday
Reading: Ender's Game by O.Scott Card
Study Progress: Cisco ICND1 Module 1 Lesson 3
Video Game: BioShock Infinite

Whenever there is tragedy my brain goes into over drive.  I first want to say that my prayers are with all of the victims and their families.  I think one thing that was overlooked, which is now being discussed is those that were injured.  I don't think I realized what being injured by an IED truly means.  I love sports, an injury by an athlete is something that you rehab back from and try to come back from better than before in a physical sense.  The injuries from the Boston Marathon aren't these types of injuries.  People (including children) have lost limbs.  Even though they will recover and I'm sure will have amazing lives, some of them will have to make drastic life changes.

I saw this great meme that said "You just pissed off a lot of people who run faster than you and never give up."  I hate that when I'm sad or depressed it takes something like this to make me realize that life is great and there is always someone who is worse off than me.  That having been said, I love running.  It has taught me to never give up.  It might be the only true thing I can honestly say I love.  It has taught me so much, including that you can accomplish so much more than what you realize.  When you think that you've reached your limit, you can actually go beyond it.  The other thing is you are in control of your destiny.  Running is so amazing because its fundamentals parallel those in so many aspects of life and I'm always finding a new way to relate it to life.  The most recent one is that I have to take care of myself.  No one is going to make me get better.  I help many people get better, but they do the work.  I have to start doing the work.  I'm starting a 4 week training plan tomorrow.  It'll be me at the beginning and me at the end.  Along the way, there might be people who run with me, and help me along the way, but at the end of the day it'll be me alone smiling.  Then about 2 seconds later I'll be content, but trying to figure out how I can do better next time. The hardest thing to deal with in my own life is that I'm always trying to improve myself so I don't appreciate that every day I learn something new or am better in some way.  I'm always looking ahead.  Sometimes I have to stop, take a deep breathe and look at where I was and where I am right now in this moment.