Listening to: Silence
Reading: Ender's Game by O.Scott Card Study
Progress: Cisco ICND1 Module 2 Lesson 1, Labs : 3/20
Video Game: Mass Effect 1
I finally accomplished one of my goals this morning. I woke up and did a work out at 6 am. It has taken many days of trying to wake up early and not being able to do it. Yesterday I was up at 6:45, today I was actually up at 5:50 and decided not to go back to sleep. It sounds easy, but the only time I ever was a morning person was in Ireland when I spent thousands of dollars on that trip and wasn't going to miss a single thing. I expected to wake up this morning sore from yesterdays workout but I wasn't. It makes me think I should increase the number of reps, but I'm going to stick with what I have scheduled. As a coach when I write a training schedule for other people, the first 2 weeks the athlete always laughs and me and says I can do these workouts in my sleep. I always say prove it. It's easy to do one of them, but to work out for 2 weeks in a row and stick to a schedule is easy to see on paper, but with life's obstacles it is always more difficult.
I start coaching again on in 2 weeks. I'm not in the shape I was hoping to be at this point, but I'm feeling good that I'll be able to get to a decent level of fitness by that date if I stick to my 2 week plan.
I'm very excited for my next Cisco Certification class which starts tomorrow. I am disappointed in myself for not having sat for the first exam yet, but I am very happy with the work I've put in the last 2 weeks. I really enjoy this stuff and hope to sit for that exam in 3 weeks and pass it on the first try. That would put me on pace to hopefully take the next one shortly after that and be CCNA certified by mid-May. I thought about pushing this class back, but I'm glad I'm going to get everything out of the way before coaching starts.
I haven't decided if I'm going to start a running blog or maybe a website to post the cool things I find and learn along the way with running and training, but here's something I saw the other day that I liked.
13 Things I Hate About Running
I love running, but as much as I love my sport, there are some days when I lack motivation and I would prefer to complain. Here are some reasons I HATE running sometimes:
1. Nasty feet: Ugly toenails that are black and 3D-shaped, blisters, calluses or just no toenail at all.
2. When I try to snot rocket and it goes down my face or on my shoe.
3. Chafing: armpits, groin....etc.
4. When I pass a man and he tries to race me.
5. Running in really windy conditions so it feels like you're standing still.
6. Tan lines that look like you're still wearing shorts and a sports bra. (This makes wearing a cute sundress or bikini almost impossible.)
7. Doing laundry every couple days because I run twice a day.
8. Running when all I want to do is eat and sleep and stay snuggled under a nice comfy blanket.
9. Being hungry all the time.
10. Getting out of bed in the morning and walking like an old granny because I'm so stiff.
11. GI distress when there are no bathrooms!
12. Getting back into shape, when every run feels like a death march.
13. Feeling like I'm missing out on family vacations because I have to train.
Personally #11 is the thing I hate the most about running. I never know if it's my Crohn's disease acting up or something I ate or just having discomfort from a run. Then I start to stress about what it can be so that just makes it worse. That's another reason I didn't increase the reps today. Slow and steady until my body adjusts to the current workload and then I'll increase it more.
Ok, time to start my day at 7:15 am. I hopefully will be a lot more productive when I become a morning person.
1. Nasty feet: Ugly toenails that are black and 3D-shaped, blisters, calluses or just no toenail at all.
2. When I try to snot rocket and it goes down my face or on my shoe.
3. Chafing: armpits, groin....etc.
4. When I pass a man and he tries to race me.
5. Running in really windy conditions so it feels like you're standing still.
6. Tan lines that look like you're still wearing shorts and a sports bra. (This makes wearing a cute sundress or bikini almost impossible.)
7. Doing laundry every couple days because I run twice a day.
8. Running when all I want to do is eat and sleep and stay snuggled under a nice comfy blanket.
9. Being hungry all the time.
10. Getting out of bed in the morning and walking like an old granny because I'm so stiff.
11. GI distress when there are no bathrooms!
12. Getting back into shape, when every run feels like a death march.
13. Feeling like I'm missing out on family vacations because I have to train.
Personally #11 is the thing I hate the most about running. I never know if it's my Crohn's disease acting up or something I ate or just having discomfort from a run. Then I start to stress about what it can be so that just makes it worse. That's another reason I didn't increase the reps today. Slow and steady until my body adjusts to the current workload and then I'll increase it more.
Ok, time to start my day at 7:15 am. I hopefully will be a lot more productive when I become a morning person.