Location: Woodbridge Public Library
Listening to: People and Things by Andrew McMahon
Reading: Ender's Game by O.Scott Card
Progress: Cisco ICND1 Module 1 Lesson 5
Video Game: Mass Effect 1
I'm back. I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but it's very therapeutic to get my thoughts and feelings out. So that's what I'm going to do.
I'm really proud of myself for finally waking up early. Not as early as I'd like, but at least I didn't stay in bed until mid-afternoon. I've slowly been trying to go to bed earlier each night so I could wake up at 6am to start working out before work. I started keeping a health journal a few weeks ago so I can easily track things like weight and sleep schedules. I wish I could say I stuck to my plan of going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and waking up 15 minutes earlier, but I haven't. Last night I was up late, but I decided to suck it up and wake up early.
I was up at my usual weekday time of 7:45am, but I actually got out of bed and did a workout. I really want to start cross training for a triathlon. I joined the YMCA this week and I really want to do this the right way. This morning's workout was a good reminder that I NEED to do this the right way. I did 2 sets of exercises that used to be so easy I would get bored. I'm out of shape. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'll get back. The short term goal is to be in good enough shape to coach in mid-March. I'd like to be able to finish my first road race in years, the Colonia 5K on April 13th.
The main reason I started blogging again is in December I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. The odd thing was I wasn't upset by this diagnosis. I knew there was something wrong with me so it was a relief to know that a.) I wasn't crazy and b.) it wasn't cancer. I absolutely can handle this disease. It's annoying and inconvenient at times, but manageable. That doesn't mean I don't have panic attacks and feel like this thing is going to put me in the hospital some day. Yesterday I tried opening up to a friend of mine and I stopped. I watched the movie "Friends with Benefits" the other day and Justin Timberlake's character says he doesn't like the look on people's faces when they look at his dad, who has Alzheimer's. I don't like that look on people's faces when I see them look at me with that look. I recently realized that I'm completely comfortable talking about this disease to a certain extent, but I will be looking at the floor when I'm talking about it. Every day is a challenge. I have to live every day though so I do. One of my favorite metaphors is of course something from Jack's Mannequin. It will be my first tattoo when I figure out how to make it look cool enough to permanently be on my body and how to make it not an album title tattoed on my arm. I'm a Glass Passenger. This disease has made me somewhat fragile, but I refuse to be a glass figurine on display somewhere. I'm a passenger on this great journey called life.
I recently realized that years ago when I start this blog that I was smarter than I realized. By including the book I'm reading, what I'm studying, and what video game I'm playing is actually helping me accomplish short term goals which ultimately will lead to long term goals.
I really enjoy my life most days. I enjoy the work I do and the people I work with. I took this job as a tech in Woodbridge Township's IS department as a temporary job. The pay wasn't what I wanted, but the benefits are amazing. I also have been able to live at home and actually save money. It turns out that I really enjoy the work that I do. I also really enjoy how much more there is to learn. I love math and always will, but I realized that it wasn't I didn't enjoy studying or that I was too lazy to do the work. I felt like I was doing a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the picture was. I have no doubt I would have completed the puzzle and seen the picture, but I was having trouble seeing it. I'm currently studying for my first Cisco Certification, Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT). It's not easy, but it's made easier because I can see the practical use at my current job and I can see where it can take me.
This job also allows me time to do things for me. Saving money for my house, becoming politically active, tutoring math, reading, coaching, studying, playing video games, learning how to play chess, learning how to playing guitar. All of these are things I'd like to accomplish. I found it extremely helpful to write down my goals. Seeing my short term goals and how they will help me achieve dreams makes them easier to accomplish. It also helps make them seem less overwhelming and helps keep me on target.
My short term goals are:
Get CCENT certified
Get back in shape
Maintain a healthy weight
Save money
Buy Saucony Virrata sneakers
Beat Mass Effect 1
Watch Breaking Bad
Finish Ender's Game
Be able to beat the computer at chess
Build up calluses to be able to play guitar
Help council and senators/assemblymen get elected/re-elected
My mid term goals are:
Get CCNA certified
Run a 5K
Buy a Macbook Pro with Retina Display
Beat Mass Effect 2
Read Game of Thrones
Learn intermediate chess techniques
Commit guitar chords to memory
Complete and frame NY Giants Puzzle
My long term goals are:
Get A+ certified
Get Network+ certified
Get MCSA/MCSE certified
Complete a triathalon
Buy a house
Learn advanced chess techniques
Learn to play the piano
"If it's just a song to keep us in the universe
When the wars are waging
I will be strong
There's no chance we can lose this fight
With the love that I'm facing
With a note so long
When the morning comes we'll know the truth
The sun will forever keep rising."
- Andrew McMahon "Keep Rising"